
November 2020 Review.
With I Know You Can Dance - Chris James

Qadjoke bot is here again!

Finally, our october’s project is in Full-Stack Quantum Computation! I am so happy that the post is on. (And I am in the Qontributors list!) It took quite a long time for improving the words to make people understand easily. Appreciate for curators’ work. I cannot forget this experience. Plus, I participated in IBM Quantum Challenge - Fall 2020. Keeping eyes on these challenges can be a good choice studying Qiskit.

My first hacking tool

I have used a hacking tool for the first time of my life. I used the tool named Burpsuite for taking a packet capture. I explained what I did here: OCOL Medium. I should try other tools, also. The time to find what’s next.

Question: are these things helpful for CTF? I made a repository for picoCTF for saving write-up. I will go further to this security parts using winter vacation. (Several things to study: (1) Resources for beginner bug bounty hunters (2) MIT lectures: computer systems security) When the next semester begins, I expect this repository is full with my writings.

Working on two toy projects

I was working on two small projects for joining hackathons on KNU.

Both projects are using Expo webview to make applications for Android. While working on them, I should make something unique next year for getting better results. Will learn new things before next hackathons!


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