Invitation from space: the IBM Quantum Challenge Fall 2022

The official announcement is released for the IBM Quantum Challenge Fall 2022 and I was participated as a main author of this blog post!


At this challenge, there will be four labs and as always, each lab will introduce main features of Qiskit: Qiskit Runtime and primitives with interesting applications. For the first lab, you can get familiar with using primitives in Qiskit Runtime. It will cover the background knowledge for the following labs so please don’t worry even though you are a newbie of Qiskit world!

After the lab 1, three main Qiskit applications are waiting for you; quantum machine learning for lab 2, quantum optimization for lab 3, and quantum chemistry for lab 4. In addition, while going through the whole labs, you will also learn what error mitigation and error suppression are and how to apply them in Qiskit. If you would like to know more details about the challenge, please check the article in the IBM Research Blog: Get ready for the IBM Quantum Challenge Fall 2022.

As my main purpose of this internship, I’ve dived into preparing the challenge right after the camp. I’ve been involved in these challenges only as one of the attendants so it was quite new to me every time I faced several hidden stages while organizing this event. From determining the very first topic to designing proper exercises and grading functions, I’ve learned a lot during three months. Writing a blog post is also included in one of my special experience. Hope everyone enjoys reading it and see you in space!

💬 Any comments and suggestions will be appreciated.

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