
October 2020 Review.
With The One - Sam Kim / Live Performance / Official Audio

My first hackathon

Hello! I am Dayeong Kang from South Korea. I am a Freshman at Kyungpook National University, majoring in Computer Science and Engineering. I am especially interested in Security, so I want to do something about Quantum Cryptography in this Qiskit Hackathon. If your interest is similar with me, any dm will be appreciated😆 Actually, this is my first Hackathon! Looking forward to meeting you all✨

This is my greeting in the hackathon. I did the project about a Quantum Random Number Generator using only noise. (A QRNG has a big impact on Quantum Cryptography! Usually the QRNG is with H gates: make random numbers with H gate.) I did not work the circuit but a website, a database, and a Discord bot. Although our team did not get the prize, our project is on the article in Qiskit Medium and will be uploaded soon in Full-Stack Quantum Computation! Our lovely duck is still working now and will happily be your Discord server.

Start from the basics of quantum computing

The QML lecture in Modulabs began from 10th October and is held every Saturday. I do stack the knowledge about quantum computing from the basics and will participate in the next Qiskit hackathon with my own Qiskit codes. In the last day of this month, I presented Quantum teleportation with Qiskit in Zoom. Soon, I will write the details of quantum teleportation in my blog. While preparing the presentation, I could study deeply quantum teleportation and codes also. If you want to know quantum teleportation, recommend my presentation. It has short description and codes with circuits, so it is easy to follow!

Nobody knows!

There were no meaningless actions. Everything I did can influence behavior at present. Therefore, I cannot expect the result exactly. This uncertainty makes my life special. I cannot wait to see the next!

추가로, 이렇게 기대되는 결과를 만들기 위해서는 그만큼의 준비도 되어 있어야 한다. 기대하는 만큼 꾸준히 발전하는 사람이 되도록 하자.


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