Blockchain with Qiskit: Qoupang

I participated in Qiskit Hackathon Korea, from February 16 to February 19.
Thankfully, our project, Qoupang, got the Community Choice Award!🎉
The entire code can be found in the github repository shared: qoupang.

In this project, I worked as a project manager.
Therefore, I delivered the presentation of the project and made a QRNG also!

Motivation of this project

  1. Security issues in logistic
  2. The noise problem in NISQ era: noise is good to generate random numbers.
  3. Real blockchain use cases with quantum computing
  4. Contribution to the Qiskit community: for SWAG delivery

Our work

We used Goorm IDE to share codes.

First, build a webpage to get an email. This page includes two pop-up windows: to display the loading screen while building a block and the success screen. The TxHash value shows in the second one. This value is really important because you can see the real transaction in Klaytnscope using the value.

Second, build a QRNG to make hash values. I worked on this part. The main circuit is based on this paper: Quantum random number generators with entanglement for public randomness testing. I usually do not use real backends in Qiskit because of long job queues. However, I could use them in this Hackathon. One of our team’s mentors has the internal source of IBMQ, so I can use it during the hackathon. (48 qubits were amazing.)

Finally, connect frontend to backend. This step is divided into four small parts: (1) get an email from frontend, (2) connect hash values and the email for key-value, (3) send all the information to write a transaction in Klaytn, (4) Update the status of each data. As you can see the name, Klaytn, in (3), we used Klaytn API Service in this project. (These codes (related blockchain) were written in node.js.)

If you want to see how it works, check this video on Youtube: Qoupang.

Check my previous Qiskit Hackathon project also: quantum-ugly-duckling.
A cute ugly duck became a delivery duck for Qoupang😆

💬 Any comments and suggestions will be appreciated.

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