Kawasaki Quantum Summer Camp
From the first day of my internship, I participated in Kawasaki Quantum Summer Camp as a mentor.
For 4 days, there were many lectures including basic theory, applications, and even the quantum hardware to introduce the quantum computing world. Most of lectures’ presentations and notebooks were shared through the Github repository: quantum-tokyo/kawasaki-quantum-camp. I supported hands-on activities of each lecture using IBM Quantum Lab and networking sessions with my random question generator app: tula3and/random-question-generator. Thanks to Kifumi, I sucessfully added Japanese option to the app! (ありがとうございます!)
At second day of the camp, I also presented my quantum journey in Japanese, not English!
I introduced my several projects using Qiskit and interesting events in Qiskit Community.
It was my first time to have a presentation only in Japanese so it was very meaningful doing this kind of talk,
nevertheless I noticed that I am obligated to practice my formal Japanese speech more.
At the end of each day, there is a short recap meeting with all staffs involved in. It was the most interesting point because I never had this kind of meeting at all previous events I participated in. It took about 10 minutes sharing today’s issues and tomorrow’s schedule. I think this short meeting was very helpful to improve our understanding of existing problems and prepare the event operation for the next day.
Especially, this summer camp was unique because it is only for high school students. In addition, all the participants could see the real quantum computer, IBM Quantum System One. It must be a special experience for the students because it is a little difficult to access these lectures and hardwares before going to the university. I’ve heard that this is the first quantum camp only for high school students. To engage more people in this amazing quantum world, hopefully it will continue if possible.
It was not that long period, but I do learn a lot of things related to quantum computing and event management; including from communications with future quantum enthusiasts!
💬 Any comments and suggestions will be appreciated.
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