
October 2022 Review.
With Eye of the Typhoon - PEPPERTONES

End of the OSS project

I participated as a mentor of Qiskit documentation translation project in OSS and it is ended around in the middle of this month. Even though our team cannot receive the award, it was meaningful because quite a lot of Qiskit tutorial documents were tranlated into Korean through this project. Based on this experience, I realized some improvements we need and will reflect them in the next project. Thank you for our all team members who partipated in every translation sprint with enthusiasm!

The IBM Quantum Challenge Fall 2022 is announced!

Finally the IBM Quantum Challenge Fall 2022 is publicly revealed! If you see the offical blog post, you may notice that my name is included as a main author. It was my first time to write a blog in a kind of offical blog. Every moment in the internship is unique to me so I really enjoy to work in here. There is also my blog post related to this: Invitation from space. Let’s meet in space! 🚀

Study algorithm endlessly

Recently I started to solve algorithm problems again. At this time, I am using the famous platform, LeetCode. Previously I used one of Korean websites to get used to solving these problems but this platform is not suitable to check my answer written in Python. (Most of them return “time exceeded”.) Therefore, I moved to LeetCode to practice Python for coding tests and until now, the original plan goes well. To make it sure that I can continuously solve problem (at least more than one per week) I make an empty timeslot for every Saturday morning and keep having a meetup with my friend. Again, I completely agree that it is really important to involve a certain appointment in an aim to achieve it. 😂


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