
May 2021 Review.
With YEBIT (예빛)

Applied CDL Quantum

I applied Creative Destruction Lab Quantum. In this application, I must submit an assignment which is solving a max-cut problem using Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA). I do not know QAOA well so I refer to this video: A tutorial on Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm. The codes below are the last part of my answer.

best_cut, best_solution = min([(maxcut(x), x) for x in counts.keys()], key=itemgetter(0))
print(f"Best string: {best_solution} with cut: {-best_cut}")

# Sort nodes in two lines: 0 (red) or 1 (blue)
colors = ['r' if best_solution[node] == '0' else 'b' for node in G]
lst = []
for node in G:
  if (best_solution[node] == '0'): lst.append(node)
nx.draw(G, node_color=colors, pos=nx.bipartite_layout(G, lst))

Sadly, there is no reply from CDL but I think the try is good. If I did not apply it, I still do not know QAOA at all. (lol) I should look forward to the next chance!

Java assignments

These days, I study Java at my college. The reason why I talk about this Java class is assignments are really interesting. Every class has an assignment and I really liked it combined with GUI (Swing). I uploaded one of my assignments in my til: TextShift.java. In this Java file, texts are moving when I pressed or . I should give a focus to the label for moving texts right after executing, so I used the codes below.


FYI: Its length is very short but I spent quite a long time to search this.

I got an iPad Pro!

I bought an iPad Pro (4th generation). I restarted drawing and recently uploaded a picture in Behance. Actually this is my first time to buy a material from Apple and I am satisfied than I expected!

I am truly considering buying a MacBook Pro…


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