What is assembly language?

An assembly language is an low-level programming language to communicate directly with a computer’s hardware.

A high-level program turns into an assembly file with a compiler and the file is converted into a readable form for computers, machine language with an assembler. (Unlike assembly languages, machine languages are hard to read because they consist of binary and hexadecimal characters.) For example, there are four steps before executing a C program.

                                                               Object (Library)     
C program --{Compiler}--> Assembly program --{Assembler}--> Object --+--{Linker}--> Executable --{Loader}--> Memory

The object file is a combination of machine language instructions, data, and information needed to place instructions properly in memory. Every line of the machine language file, called instructions, can be replaced to assembly language, so it is easy to fix an low-level language file with assembly languages.


Instructions are the basic command describing an operation of a processor and each of them has an opcode and operands. Processors have an instruction set architecture (ISA) which is a set of instructions and implementation of the ISA (microarchitecture) can be various as long as it satisfies the specific design constraints and goals. In this post, every instruction follow the RISC-V assembly language notation.

*RISC-V is little endian processor: the MSB of data is placed at the highest address.

1. add and addi

There are many arithmetic instructions but I just pick two: add and addi.

  • add <reg'>, <reg>, <reg>: <reg'> has the sum of the others
  • addi <reg'>, <reg>, <constant>: same with add but there is a immediate value at the end

2. ld and sd

There are two instructions for data transfer between a register and a memory: ld and sd.

  • ld <reg>, <offset>(<address>): load doubleword (I-type)
  • sd <reg>, <offset>(<address>): store doubleword (S-type)

3. Logical operations

There are instructions for bitwise logical operations.

  • sll slli: shift left
  • srl srli: shift right
  • sra srai: shift right and fill with sign-bit
  • and andi: bit-by-bit AND
  • or ori: bit-by-bit OR
  • xor xori: bit-by-bit XOR

FYI, xori can work as NOT operation: xori <reg'>, <reg>, 111...111(2).

4. Conditional branches

These instructions are commonly used to build if-else statements or loops.

  • beq <reg'>, <reg>, <label>: if (<reg'> == <reg>), move to instruction labeled <label>
  • bne <reg'>, <reg>, <label>: if (<reg'> != <reg>), move to instruction labeled <label>
  • blt bltu: <, use ble or bleu for the equal sign (u means unsigned)
  • bgt bgtu: <, use bge or bgeu for the equal sign (u means unsigned)

(1) if-else statement: if (i==j) f=g+h; else f=g-h; with assembly

; f,g,h,i,j --- reg x19,x20,x21,x22,x23
      bne x22, x23, Else
      add x19, x20, x21
      beq x0, x0, Exit
Else: sub x19, x20, x21

(2) while loop: while (arr[i]==k) i+=1; with assembly

; i,k,base of arr --- reg x19,x20,x21
Loop: slli x22, x19, 3 ; x22 = i*8 (8-byte)
      add x22, x21, x22
      ld x23, 0(x22)
      bne x23, x20, Exit
      addi x19, x19, 1
      beq x0, x0, Loop

5. jal and jalr

There are two instructions for the procedures which are similar to functions.

  • jal x1, <procedure>: jump to <procedure> and write return address to x1
  • jalr x0, <offset>(x1): jump to the address stored in <offset> + x1

Using x0 as the destination does not work because x0 is hardwired to the constant value 0.

Procedure calls

A caller calls a procedure and the procedure becomes callee. The caller gives the callee arguments and the callee return results to the caller. In the register, there is a space to pass parameters and return results from x10 to x17. Especially, x1 is only for returning the point of origin, so every procedure call start with a jal instruction.

Then, where should the computer save parameters or results if the spaces are full? It can be possiable when a procedure calls other procedures again and again. (e.g. recursive functions) Therefore, use register spilling to prevent the situation. It just saves values from the registers to memory with the data structure, stack. The stack pointer is saved in register x2 and the pointer moves from higher to lower address, so before saving data, do not forget to move the pointer by addi sp, sp, -<size>.

In each procedure call:

  • Caller saves x1 (return address), from x10 to x17 (arguments), from x5 to x7, and from x28 to x31.
  • Callee saves from x8 to x9, and from x18 to x27.

A recursive procedure is a good example to understand above the all. Check the codes below.

long long int fact(long long int n) {
  if (n < 1)
    return 1;
    return n * fact(n-1);

The C codes above is a factorial function and it is converted into the assembly below.

; n --- reg x10
fact: addi sp, sp, -16 ; save 2 items
      sd x1, 8(sp)
      sd x10, 0(sp)
      addi x5, x10, -1
      bge x5, x0, else
      addi x10, x0, 1 ; return 1      
      addi sp, sp, 16
      jalr x0, 0(x1)

else: addi x10, x10, -1
      jal x1, fact
      addi x6, x10, 0 ; move x10 to x6
      ld x10, 0(sp)
      ld x1, 8(sp)
      addi sp, sp, 16
      mul x10, x10, x6

      jalr x0, 0(x1) ; last x1 -> main


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